Game Maker Text Box Engine Oil
I just recently purchased Game Maker Studio! I am loving it so far. I have been working on transferring my project from Game Maker Classic into Studio. Mostly everything works fine but I had to rewrite a new dialogue engine since some functions are no longer supported. The main problem was the Text box engine. It has to be totally redesigned.
Features of my Text box Engine:
- Typewriter effect – The text will slowly appear on screen.
- Word Wrapping
- Speed up text by pressing the Cancel Key
- Splits Text into another text box if the limit is reached
- Continue Cursor appears when text box is filled with text
- Textboxy is a simple and straightforward textbox engine for GameMaker Studio 2. For documentation and changes, please see the GitHub repository. A global config script to adjust the engine without having to dig into the code at all.
- Jul 3, 2018 - Creating a textbox engine for a role playing game can be a daunting task. Textboxes seem simple at first, but soon become a nightmare of.
The HappyTear Text Engine is a powerful and fully customizable dialogue engine for RPGs, platformer and pretty much every kind of game. Scritti politti cupid and psyche 85 rar. Note: It does currently not work on HTML5. It should work on all other platforms and was tested on Linux, Windows and Android.
Also added a question text box: Il commissario montalbano video puntate.
Other minor improvements:
- Tile-based collision (No need to invisible solid objects)
- Animated tiles
Happy Holidays everyone!
- //argument0 = the text
- //argument1 = whether or not to draw the box at the end
- //argument3 = whether or not to draw the text box
- //` = white text
- //{ = blue text
- global.drawingtext = true //the game is drawing text
- if argument2 = true //if it is the first time through
- self.position = 1//set the position as 1
- }
- global.more = argument1
- global.font = spr_letters //set the font at the beggining of the script
- //sets the postion of the pointer, so it knows how much text should be drawn
- if keyboard_check(vk_enter) = true //if enter is pushed
- self.done = true //you are done
- self.position = string_length(global.text) //end the text
- self.curstring = global.text //set the string to the text
- keyboard_clear(vk_enter) //stop generating events
- if self.done = false //if the text line isn't done
- self.curstring = string_copy(global.text, 1, self.position) //the first line is a part of the actual first line
- if string_length(self.curstring) = string_length(global.text) //if the text is done
- self.done = true //this line is done
- }
- if self.done = false //if not all text is done
- self.position += 1 //add one to the position
- if argument3 = true //if you should draw the text box
- draw_sprite(spr_textbox, 0, view_xview[1] + 16, view_yview[1] + 160) //draw the text box
- self.pointx = 22 //a little to the right..
- for(i = 1; i < string_length(self.curstring) + 1; i += 1) //once for every character
- self.lettertemp = string_copy(self.curstring, i, 1) //get the letter
- {
- self.pointy += 16 //go down a line
- if self.lettertemp <> ' ' and self.lettertemp <> '~' //if it isn't a space or a tilde
- if self.lettertemp <> '`' and self.lettertemp <> '^' and self.lettertemp <> '{' and self.lettertemp <> '}' //if it's not changing the font
- self.todraw = scr_getletter(self.lettertemp) //get the imagesingle of the value
- draw_sprite(global.font, self.todraw, view_xview[1] + self.pointx, view_yview[1] + self.pointy)
- }
- {
- {
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- {
- }
- }
- {
- }
- {
- self.pointy += 16 //move down for the next letter
- self.pointx = 22 //reset to the start of the line
- }
- screen_refresh() //refreshes the screen so you can actually see it
- if self.done = true and global.more = true //if we need to draw an arrow
- draw_sprite(spr_textmore, 0, view_xview[1] + 155, view_yview[1] + 216) //draw the arrow
- {
- sleep(30)
- scr_dialogbox(argument0, argument1, false, argument3) //do it all again
- else //yer done!
- screen_refresh() //refresh the screen
- sleep(30)
- keyboard_clear(vk_shift)
- global.drawingtext = false //get on with your regular life
- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- letter = argument0
- if ord(letter) >= ord('A') and ord(letter) <= ord('Z') //if it is an uppercase letter
- return (32 + (ord(letter) - ord('A'))) //return a value for the letter
- if ord(letter) >= ord('a') and ord(letter) <= ord('z') //if it is a lowercase letter
- return (64 + (ord(letter) - ord('a'))) //return a value for the letter
- if letter = '!' //exclamation mark
- return 0
- if letter = '' //quotations
- return 1
- if letter = '#' //number sign
- return 2
- if letter = '$' //dollar sign
- return 3
- if letter = '%' //percent sign
- return 4
- if letter = '&' //ampersand
- return 5
- if letter = '' //semi-qute
- return 6
- if letter = '(' //parentheses
- return 7
- if letter = ')' //parentheses
- return 8
- if letter = '*' //asterisk
- return 9
- if letter = '+' //plus sign
- return 10
- if letter = ',' //comma
- return 11
- if letter = '-' //dash
- return 12
- if letter = '.' //period
- return 13
- if letter = '/' //slash
- return 14
- if letter = '0' //0
- return 15
- if letter = '1' //1
- return 16
- if letter = '2' //2
- return 17
- if letter = '3' //3
- return 18
- if letter = '4' //4
- return 19
- if letter = '5' //5
- return 20
- if letter = '6' //6
- return 21
- if letter = '7' //7
- return 22
- if letter = '8' //8
- return 23
- if letter = '9' //9
- return 24
- if letter = ':' //colon
- return 25
- if letter = ';' //semi colon
- return 26
- if letter = '<' //less than
- return 27
- if letter = '=' //equal to
- return 28
- if letter = '>' //greater than
- return 29
- if letter = '?' //question mark
- return 30
- if letter = '@' //at sign
- return 31
- if letter = '[' //bracket
- return 58
- if letter = ' //slash
- return 59
- if letter = ']' //bracket
- return 60
- if letter = '^' //carot
- return 61
- if letter = '_' //underscore
- return 62
- if letter = '' //quotation mark
- return 63