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Cash nasceu no estado do Arkansas, filho de um fazendeiro pobre. Sua família mudou-se pouco depois para uma fazenda em Dyess, no mesmo estado. O pai de Cash era alcóolatra e abusava física e emocionalmente de seus filhos. Com cinco anos de idade, Cash começou a trabalhar em um campo de algodão, cantando com sua família enquanto cultivavam. Ele era muito próximo a Jack, seu irmão mais velho, e um acidente ocorrido em 1944 o afetaria pelo resto de sua vida. Jack foi puxado por uma serra de madeira no moinho em que trabalhava, sendo quase partido ao meio. Jack ainda sofreria uma semana antes de morrer. Cash sempre falou da enorme culpa que sentia pelo incidente porque tinha saído para pescar nesse dia. Em seu leito de morte, o jovem teve visões do céu e de anjos, e quase sessenta anos depois do acontecido Cash ainda falava esperar encontrar Jack no paraíso. Suas memórias de infância eram dominadas pela música gospel. Cash começou a tocar violão e a compor ainda jovem. Ele passou a ser chamado de 'John' depois de entrar para a Força Aérea Americana (que recusava iniciais como nome). Antes disso ele era conhecido como Johnny ou John R. Enquanto servia na Alemanha, Cash compôs uma de suas músicas mais famosas, 'Folsom Prison Blues'.
Os problemas pessoais e os desastres seguiram Cash em sua nova casa em Old Hickory Lake, Handersonville, Tennessee. A casa de seu vizinho e grande amigo, Roy Orbison, desabou, com a morte de dois dos seus três filhos caçulas. Cash foi profundamente afetado por esses incidentes, e decidiu começar a longa e difícil jornada rumo à reabilitação. Ele se trancou em casa para tentar se desintoxicar, contando com o apoio irrestrito dos amigos e da que se tornaria sua esposa nos próximos anos, June Carter. A balada romântica 'Flesh and Blood' foi uma das primeiras de inúmeras músicas que Cash dedicaria à sua amada.
Com a ajuda da esposa e influenciado por uma conversão religiosa alcançada depois de uma tentativa fracassada de suicídio, Cash começou a batalha contra o vício. Nos dois anos seguintes ele gravaria e lançaria seus dois álbuns ao vivo mais bem-sucedidos, Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison, de 1968 e Johnny Cash at San Quentin, de 1969, mesmo ano do nascimento de seu primeiro e único filho homem, John Carter Cash.
De 1969 a 1971 Cash estrelou seu próprio programa televisivo pela rede ABC, que contava com a participação de vários astros da música, como Neil Young e Bob Dylan. Cash apoiava o trabalho de Dylan antes mesmo de conhecê-lo, e os dois tornaram-se amigos depois de morarem na mesma vizinhança de Woodstock, em Nova Iorque, no final dos anos 60. Em complemento às aparições de Dylan em seu programa, Cash gravou um dueto com ele em Nashville Skyline, além de escrever o encarte do álbum vencedor do Grammy.
Outro artista que recebeu grande apoio do The Johnny Carson Show foi o compositor Kris Kristofferson. Durante uma apresentação ao vivo da 'Sunday Morning Coming Down' de Kristofferson, Cash provocou polêmica ao se recusar a mudar um dos versos para satisfazer os executivos da emissora, preservando intacta a canção com suas referências controversas à maconha: 'On the Sunday morning sidewalks / Wishin', Lord, that I was stoned' ('Nas calçadas das manhãs de domingo / Pedindo, por Deus, que eu esteja chapado').
Imensamente popular e uma figura imponentemente alta, no começo dos anos 70 ele havia conseguido cristalizar sua imagem pública. Cash se apresentava na maioria das vezes vestido de preto, calçando uma bota igualmente preta de cano longo, o que o levou a ser apelidado de 'O Homem de Preto'. Esta vestimenta era um total contraste às usadas pela maioria dos astros country da época - chapéus, roupas claras e botas de caubói. Em 1971 Cash compôs a música 'Man In Black' para tentar explicar um pouco seu estilo: 'I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down, / Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town, / I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime, / But is there because he's a victim of the times' ('Eu me visto de preto pelos pobres e oprimidos/ Que vivem no lado faminto e sem esperanças da cidade / Eu me visto assim pelo prisioneiro que há muito pagou por seu crime / Mas está ali pois é uma vítima dos tempos').
Em meados dos anos 70 a popularidade e as canções de sucesso de Cash começaram a diminuir, mas ainda assim sua autobiografia, intitulada Man in Black (de 1975), vendeu 1,3 milhão de cópias. Sua amizade com Billy Graham levou à produção de um filme sobre a vida de Jesus chamado The Gospel Road, que Cash co-escreveu e narrou. Ele continuou a aparecer na televisão, estrelando um especial de Natal na CBS durante os anos 70.
Após o nascimento de seu único filho homem, John Carter Cash (1969), estrelou seu próprio programa musical televisivo pela rede ABC (1969-1971).
Em 1980, aos 48 anos de idade, Cash tornou-se o mais jovem indicado ao 'Hall da Fama da Música Country'. Apesar disso, durante os anos 80 suas gravações não conseguiram provocar um impacto significativo nas paradas musicais; ainda assim, ele continuava suas turnês bem-sucedidas. Durante esta década ele gravou e viajou com Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson e Kris Kristofferson no grupo The Highwaymen.
Foi também durante essa época que Johnny Cash começou a participar, como ator, de uma série de filmes televisivos. Em 1981, ele estrelou The Pride Of Jesse Hallam e em 1983 no papel de um heroico xerife em Murder In Coweta County (filme baseado em um caso real de assassinato que Cash tentou por vários anos levar às telas).
Cash recaiu no vício no começo dos anos 80 depois de um ferimento no estômago, que o fez começar a abusar de drogas para aliviar as dores. Durante sua recuperação em 1986, ele se tornou amigo de Ozzy Osbourne, um dos cantores favoritos de seus treze filhos. Durante outra visita ao hospital - desta vez por causa de Waylon Jennings, que recuperava-se de um infarto - Cash decidiu, por sugestão de Jennings, fazer um check-up. Os médicos indicam uma cirurgia cardíaca preventiva. Durante sua recuperação Cash se recusou a tomar qualquer tipo de remédio, temendo viciar-se novamente. Ele recordaria mais tarde que durante a operação ele passou por uma experiência 'próxima da morte'. Cash disse que teve visões celestes tão belas que ficou com raiva quando acordou e percebeu que estava vivo.
Quando seu relacionamento com as gravadoras e com a indústria musical de Nashville começou a azedar, Cash chegou a entrar no terreno da auto paródia (como no álbum Chicken In Black). Depois que seu contrato com a Columbia Records terminou, ele passou um breve e mal sucedido período na Mercury Records.
Em 1986 Cash publicou seu único romance, Man in White, um livro sobre Saulo e sua conversão ao tornar-se o apóstolo Paulo.
Sua carreira ganhou novo fôlego nos anos 90. Embora indesejado pelas grandes gravadoras, Cash se aproximou do produtor Rick Rubin e ganhou um contrato com seu selo, American Recordings, mais conhecido por seus lançamentos de rap e hard rock. Sob a supervisão de Rubin, ele gravou em 1994 o álbum American Recordings em sua sala, acompanhado apenas do violão. O álbum foi aclamado pela crítica, enquanto as versões de Cash para sucessos de artistas modernos como Tom Waits e a banda de heavy metal Danzig ajudaram-no a conquistar um novo público. Foi o começo de uma década de recordes de vendas e grande sucesso comercial. Além disso, Cash e sua esposa apareceriam em diversos episódios do popular seriado de televisão Doctor Quinn Medicine Woman.
Para seu segundo álbum com Rubin, Unchained de 1996, Cash convocou o acompanhamento da banda de Tom Petty: o 'The Heartbreakers'. Em complemento às diversas composições de Cash, Unchained apresentava canções do Soundgarden ('Rusty Cage') e Beck ('Rowboat'), assim como a participação especial do baixista Flea, do Red Hot Chili Peppers. Embora tenha sido virtualmente ignorado pelas rádios de country e pelo meio musical de Nashville, Unchained ganhou um Grammy como o 'Melhor Álbum Country'.
Cash e Rubin compraram um anúncio de página inteira na revista Billboard aonde sarcasticamente agradeciam à indústria da música country por seu apoio irrestrito, acompanhado de uma fotografia de Cash mostrando seu dedo médio.
Em 1997 Cash foi diagnosticado com Síndrome de Shy-Drager, uma doença neuro degenerativa - diagnóstico que mais tarde seria alterado para problemas no sistema nervoso associados à diabetes. Seu estado de saúde o forçou a encurtar uma turnê; ele foi hospitalizado em 1998 com grave pneumonia, que prejudicou seus pulmões. O álbum American III: Solitary Man, lançado em 2000, apresentava sua resposta à doença, representada por uma versão de 'I Won't Back Down' de Tom Petty assim como uma releitura poderosa de 'One', do U2.
Cash lançou American IV: The Man Comes Around em 2002, que consistia metade de material original e metade de covers, algumas bem surpreendentes. O videoclipe de 'Hurt', canção composta por Trent Reznor do Nine Inch Nails, foi indicada em sete categorias do Video Music Awards da MTV, ganhando o prêmio de 'Melhor Fotografia'. Em 2004 'Hurt' também venceu o Grammy de 'Melhor Videoclipe'.
A esposa de Johnny, June Carter, faleceu de complicações decorrentes de uma cirurgia do coração em 15 de maio de 2003, aos 73 anos de idade.
Menos de quatro meses depois Johnny Cash morreu devido ao diabetes aos 71 anos de idade enquanto estava hospitalizado no Baptist Hospital em Nashville, Tennessee. Ele foi enterrado ao lado de sua esposa no Hendersonville Memory Gardens, perto de sua terra natal, Hendersonville, Tennessee.
02. (I Heard That) Lonesome Whistle (2:26)
03. Country Boy (1:52)
04. If the Good Lord's Willing (1:44)
05. Cry! Cry! Cry! (2:25)
06. So Doggone Lonesome (2:35)
07. Remember Me (I'm The One Who L) (2:02)
08. I Was There When It Happened (2:15)
09. I Walk The Line (2:42)
10. Wreck of the Old '97 (2:05)
11. Folsom Prison Blues (2:52)
12. Doin' My Time (2:39)
02. There You Go (2:16)
03. I Walk The Line (2:44)
04. Don't Make Me Go (2:28)
05. Guess Things Happen That Way (1:52)
06. Train of Love (2:23)
07. The ways of a woman in love (2:26)
08. Next In Line (2:46)
09. You're the nearest thing to heaven (2:41)
10. I Can't Help It (1:50)
11. Home of The Blues (2:39)
12. Big River (2:33)
02. Frankie's Man Johnny (2:18)
03. That's All Over (1:55)
04. The Troubador (2:16)
05. One More Ride (2:02)
06. That's Enough (2:43)
07. I Still Miss Someone (2:36)
08. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (3:03)
09. I'd Rather Die Young (2:32)
10. Pickin' Time (1:59)
11. Shepard Of My Heart (2:15)
12. Supper Time (2:50)
02. I Just Thought You'd Like to Know (2:21)
03. You Tell Me (1:19)
04. Just About Time (2:07)
05. I Forgot to Remember to Forget (1:52)
06. Katy, Too (1:54)
07. Thanks a Lot (2:35)
08. Luther's Boogie (2:01)
09. You Win Again (2:21)
10. Hey Good Lookin' (1:43)
11. I Could Never Be Ashamed of You (2:11)
12. Get Rhythm (2:11)
13. Fool's Hall Of Fame (2:10)
14. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (2:11)
15. Hey, Good Lookin' (1:43)
16. Rock and Roll Ruby (1:44)
02. Five Feet High And Rising (1:50)
03. The Man On The Hill (2:11)
04. Hank And Joe And Me (2:15)
05. Clementine (2:33)
06. The Great Speckled Bird (2:11)
07. I Want To Go Home (2:00)
08. The Caretaker (2:08)
09. Old Apache Squaw (1:48)
10. Don't Step On Mother's Roses (2:35)
11. My Grandfather's Clock (2:48)
12. It Could Be You (Instead Of Him) (1:50)
02. I Saw A Man (2:35)
03. Are All The Children In (1:57)
04. The Old Account (2:27)
05. Lead Me Gently Home (2:03)
06. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (1:56)
07. Snow In His Hair (2:23)
08. Lead Me Father (2:30)
09. I Call Him (1:49)
10. These Things Shall Pass (2:19)
11. He'll Be A Friend (1:59)
12. God Will (2:19)
02. You Win Again (2:14)
03. Hey Good Lookin' (1:38)
04. I Could Never Be Ashamed of You (2:08)
05. Next in Line (2:40)
06. Straight A's in Love (2:12)
07. Folsom Prison Blues (2:43)
08. Give My Love to Rose (2:42)
09. I Walk the Line (2:36)
10. I Love You Because (2:23)
11. Come In, Stranger (1:37)
12. Mean Eyed Cat (2:25)
02. Slow Rider (4:09)
03. Lumberjack (3:03)
04. Dorraine Of Ponchartrain (4:46)
05. Going To Memphis (4:24)
06. When Papa Played The Dobro (2:54)
07. Boss Jack (3:55)
08. Old Doc Brown (4:12)
02. I Feel Better All Over (2:04)
03. I Couldn't Keep From Crying (2:09)
04. Time Changes Everything (1:51)
05. My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You (2:24)
06. I'd Just Be Fool Enough (To Fall) (2:08)
07. Transfusion Blues (2:35)
08. Why Do You Punish Me (For Loving You) (2:20)
09. I Will Miss You When You Go (2:02)
10. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (2:41)
11. Just One More (2:14)
12. Honky Tonk Girl (1:58)
02. Down the Street to 301 (2:07)
03. Life Goes On (2:03)
04. Port Of Lonely Hearts (2:37)
05. Cry Cry Cry (2:30)
06. My Treasure (1:17)
07. Oh Lonesome Me (2:31)
08. So Doggone Lonesome (2:38)
09. You're the Nearest Thing to Heaven (2:41)
10. The Story of a Broken Heart (2:12)
11. Hey, Porter! (2:15)
12. Home of the Blues (2:44)
02. Accidentally On Purpose (1:57)
03. In The Jailhouse Now (2:24)
04. Mr. Lonesome (2:18)
05. You Won't Have Far To Go (1:52)
06. In Them Old Cottonfields Back Home (2:36)
07. Delia's Gone (2:04)
08. I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know About Her (2:29)
09. You Remembered Me (2:06)
10. I'm Free From The Chain Gang Now (1:53)
11. Let Me Down Easy (1:49)
12. Sing It Pretty Sue (1:58)
02. There You Go (2:20)
03. Train of Love (2:25)
04. Goodybe Little Darlin (2:16)
05. (I Heard that) Lonesome Whistl (2:26)
06. Come in Stranger (1:44)
07. Rock Island Line (2:13)
08. Give My Love to Rose (2:47)
09. Hey, Porter! (2:16)
10. Folsom Prison Blues (2:51)
11. The Wreck of Old 97 (1:49)
12. So Doggone Lonesome (2:44)
13. Train of Love (2:39)
14. Give My Love to Rose (Original) (2:54)
15. Hey, Porter (Originally Unissued) (2:13)
16. Leave that Junk Alone (Original) (1:31)
17. You're My Back (Little Woolly) (1:32)
18. Brakeman's Blues (Unissued) (1:19)
02. God Must Have My Fortune Laid Away (2:49)
03. When I've Learned Enough To Die (2:47)
04. I Got Shoes (2:01)
05. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning (2:14)
06. If We Never Meet Again (3:03)
07. When I Take My Vacation In Heaven (2:26)
08. When The Savior Reached Down For Me (2:04)
09. Taller Than Trees (1:52)
10. I Won't Have To Cross Jordan Alone (2:59)
11. My God Is Real (2:00)
12. These Hands (2:12)
02. I'd Still Be There (2:37)
03. What Do I Care (2:10)
04. I Still Miss Someone (2:38)
05. Forty Shades Of Green (2:57)
06. Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord?) (3:57)
07. The Rebel - Johnny Yuma (1:56)
08. Bonanza! (2:23)
09. The Big Battle (4:06)
10. Remember The Alamo (2:52)
11. Tennessee Flat-Top Box (3:02)
12. (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (For Me) (2:47)
02. Tell Him I'm Gone (3:05)
03. Another Man Done Gone (2:36)
04. Busted (2:19)
05. Casey Jones (3:04)
06. Nine Pound Hammer (3:18)
07. Chain Gang (2:43)
08. Waiting For A Train (2:07)
09. Roughneck (2:10)
02. I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (2:31)
03. Blue Christmas (2:25)
04. The Gifts They Gave (3:34)
05. Here Was A Man (2:44)
06. Christmas As I Knew it (3:40)
07. Silent Night (3:30)
08. The Little Drummer Boy (2:35)
09. Ringing The Bells For Jim (2:48)
10. We Are The Shepherds (3:13)
11. Who Kept The Sheep (1:58)
12. The Ballad Of The Harp Weaver (4:20)
02. The Banks Of The Ohio (4:07)
03. My Clinch Mountain Home (2:58)
04. Lonesome Valley (2:05)
05. Worried Man Blues (2:41)
06. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (2:45)
07. The Wabash Cannonball (2:34)
08. Broken-Hearted Lover (2:25)
09. Brown Eyes (3:27)
10. I'm Working On A Building (2:43)
11. Gathering Flowers From The Hillside (2:37)
12. When The Roses Bloom Again (2:36)
02. Born To Lose (2:08)
03. New Mexico (2:04)
04. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (1:55)
05. Two Timin' Woman (1:58)
06. The Story Of A Broken Heart (2:10)
07. Always Alone (1:49)
08. Country Boy (1:51)
09. Goodnight Irene (2:40)
10. Wide Open Road (2:33)
11. Thanks A Lot (2:37)
12. Big River (2:31)
02. Bad News (3:00)
03. Folsom Prison Blues (2:38)
04. Give My Love To Rose (2:24)
05. Hey Porter (2:23)
06. I Still Miss Someone (3:12)
07. Understand Your Man (2:46)
08. Wreck Of The Old 97 (2:50)
09. Still In Town (2:39)
10. Big River (2:22)
11. Goodbye, Little Darlin' Goodbye (2:28)
12. Troublesome Water (3:51)
02. Apache Tears (2:39)
03. Custer (2:23)
04. The Talking Leaves (3:57)
05. The Ballad Of Ira Hayes (4:12)
06. Drums (5:07)
07. White Girl (3:03)
08. The Vanishing Race (4:04)
02. The Long Black Veil (3:09)
03. It Ain't Me Babe (3:07)
04. The Wall (2:13)
05. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right (3:00)
06. You Wild Colorado (1:49)
07. Mama, You've Been On My Mind (3:06)
08. When It's Springtime In Alaska (It's Forty Below) (2:39)
09. All Of God's Children Ain't Free (2:15)
10. Danny Boy (5:11)
11. Wildwood Flower (2:14)
12. Amen (2:06)
02. The Road To Kentucky (2:43)
03. The Shifting, Whispering Sands, Part 1 (2:53)
04. Narration 1 (1:15)
05. The Ballad Of Boot Hill (2:33)
06. I Ride An Old Paint (2:57)
07. Narration 2 (0:31)
08. Hardin Wouldn't Run (3:47)
09. Narration 3 (0:50)
10. Mister Garfield (3:46)
11. The Streets Of Laredo (3:40)
12. Narration 4 (0:24)
13. Johnny Reb (2:27)
14. A Letter From Home (2:33)
15. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie (2:26)
16. Mean As Hell (3:07)
17. Sam Hall (3:16)
18. 25 Minutes To Go (3:12)
19. The Blizzard (3:52)
20. Narration 5 (0:39)
21. Sweet Betsy From Pike (3:17)
22. Green Grow The Lilacs (2:46)
23. Narration 6 (1:00)
24. Stampede (3:01)
25. The Shifting, Whispering Sands, Part 2 (2:29)
26. Reflections (2:46)
02. The One On The RIght Is On The Left (2:48)
03. A Cup Of Coffee (4:43)
04. A Big That Tried To Crawl Around The World (2:56)
05. The Singing Star's Queen (2:59)
06. Austin Prison (2:09)
07. Dirty Old Egg-Sucking Dog (2:09)
08. Take Me Home (2:40)
09. Please Don't Play Red River Valley (2:54)
10. Boa Constrictor (1:47)
11. Joe Bean (3:05)
02. Guess Things Happen That Way (1:57)
03. Ancient History (2:21)
04. You Comb Her Hair (2:42)
05. She Came From The Mountains (5:02)
06. For Lovin' Me (2:39)
07. No One Will Ever Know (2:27)
08. This Is My Destiny (2:33)
09. A Wound Time Can't Erase (2:38)
10. Happy To Be WIth You (3:16)
11. Wabash Cannonball (2:40)
02. Shantytown (2:23)
03. It Ain't Me, Babe (3:07)
04. Fast Boat To Sydney (2:31)
05. Pack Up Your Sorrows (2:31)
06. I Got A Woman (3:17)
07. Jackson (2:49)
08. Oh, What A Good Thing We Had (2:46)
09. You'll Be All Right (1:50)
10. No, No, No (1:52)
11. What'd I Say (2:48)
02. The Whirl And The Suck (3:09)
03. Call Daddy From The Mine (3:05)
04. The Frozen Four-Hundred-Pound Fair-To-Middlin' Cotton Picker (2:34)
05. The Walls Of A Prison (4:01)
06. The Masterpiece (2:47)
07. You And Tennessee (3:10)
08. Another Song To Sing (2:02)
09. The Flint Arrowhead (2:56)
10. Cisco Clifton's Fillin' Station (2:45)
11. Shrimpin' Sailin' (3:09)
12. From Sea To Shining Sea (Finale) (0:54)
02. Dark As The Dungeon (3:08)
03. I Still Miss Someone (1:37)
04. Cocaine Blues (3:03)
05. 25 Minutes To Go (3:38)
06. Orange Blossom Special (3:02)
07. The Long Black Veil (3:59)
08. Send A Picture Of Mother (2:11)
09. The Wall (1:55)
10. Dirty Old Egg-Sucking Dog (1:17)
11. Flushed From The Bathroom Of Your Heart (2:42)
12. Jackson (2:57)
13. Give My Love To Rose (2:42)
14. I Got Stripes (1:46)
15. Green, Green Grass Of Home (3:02)
16. Greystone Chapel (5:45)
02. Wreck Of The Old 97 (3:24)
03. I Walk The Line (2:15)
04. Darling Companion (7:08)
05. Starkville City Jail (2:22)
06. San Quentin (3:48)
07. San Quentin (3:05)
08. A Boy Named Sue (3:54)
09. Peace In The Valley (2:37)
10. Folsom Prison Blues (1:29)
02. Land Of Israel (2:51)
03. A Mother's Love (1:31)
04. This Is Nazareth (0:45)
05. Nazarene (2:05)
06. Town Of Cana (1:35)
07. He Turned The Water Into Wine (2:48)
08. My Wife June At Sea Of Galilee (1:32)
09. Beautiful Words (1:53)
10. Our Guide Jacob At Mount Tabor (1:54)
11. The Ten Commandments (4:03)
12. Daddy Sang Bass (2:20)
13. At The Wailing Wall (0:46)
14. Come To The Wailing Wall (2:47)
15. In Bethlehem (1:48)
16. In Garden Of Gethsemane (1:57)
17. The Fourth Man (2:08)
18. On The Via Dolorosa (3:54)
19. Church Of The Holy Sepulchre (1:06)
20. At Calvary (2:33)
21. God Is Not Dead (2:45)
02. The Devil To Pay (3:31)
03. Cause I Love You (2:36)
04. See Ruby Fall (2:54)
05. Route 1 Box 144 (2:31)
06. Sing A Traveling Song (3:13)
07. If I Were A Carpenter (3:03)
08. To Beat The Devil (4:21)
09. Blistered (2:26)
10. Wrinkled Crinkled Wadded Dollar Bill (2:34)
11. I've Got A Thing About Trains (2:49)
12. Jesus Was A Carpenter (3:59)
02. Pickin' Time (1:57)
03. My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You (2:20)
04. I Want To Go Home (1:55)
05. I Feel Better All Over (2:00)
06. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (2:37)
07. Supper-Time (2:49)
08. In Them Old Cottonfields Back Home (2:32)
09. Delia's Gone (2:00)
10. One More Ride (1:58)
11. Accidentally On Purpose (1:53)
12. In The Jailhouse Now (2:20)
13. I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know (2:25)
14. Casey Jones (3:00)
15. Frankie's Man, Johnny (2:15)
16. The Legend Of John Henry's Hammer (8:22)
17. When Papa Played The Dobro (1:42)
18. Busted (2:15)
19. Sing It Pretty, Sue (1:57)
20. Waiting For A Train (2:05)
02. Come Along And Ride This Train (Medley) (6:31)
03. These Hands (3:51)
04. I'm Gonna Try To Be That Way (3:23)
05. Come Along And Ride This Train (Medley) (8:18)
06. Here Was A Man (Dialogue) (2:56)
02. I Walk The Line (2:59)
03. Hungry (1:41)
04. This Town (2:33)
05. The Side Of The Law (2:14)
06. Flesh And Blood (Instrumental) (2:10)
07. 'Cause I Love You (1:48)
08. 'Cause I Love You (String Instrumental) (1:47)
09. The World's Gonna Fall On You (2:01)
10. Face Of Despair (3:35)
11. Standing On The Promises / Amazing Grace (3:01)
02. Orphan Of The Road (3:39)
03. You've Got A New Light Shining In Your Eyes (2:07)
04. If Not For Love (3:08)
05. Man In Black (2:55)
06. Singin' In Viet Nam Talkin' Blues (3:01)
07. Ned Kelly (2:21)
08. Look For Me (With June Carter Cash) (2:23)
09. Dear Mrs. (3:46)
10. I Talk To Jesus Every Day (With June Carter Cash) (2:04)
02. Ballad Of Little Fauss And Big Halsy (2:35)
03. Ballad Of Little Fauss And Big Halsy (Instrumental) (1:49)
04. Union (2:19)
05. The Little Man (2:57)
06. The Little Man (Instrumental) (2:41)
07. Wanted Man (2:54)
08. Rollin' Free (2:40)
09. True Love Is Greater Than Friendship (2:37)
10. Movin' (3:08)
02. Melva's Wine (2:53)
03. A Thing Called Love (2:35)
04. I Promise You (2:59)
05. Papa Was A Good Man (2:40)
06. Tear Stained Letter (2:46)
07. Mississippi Sand (3:10)
08. Daddy (2:54)
09. Arkansas Lovin' Man (2:53)
10. The Miracle Man (3:30)
02. Paul Revere (2:18)
03. Begin West Movement (0:27)
04. The Road To Kaintuck (1:22)
05. To The Shining Mountains (0:49)
06. The Battle Of New Orleans (2:21)
07. Southwestward (0:38)
08. Remember The Alamo (2:27)
09. Opening The West (0:56)
10. Lorena (1:50)
11. The Gettysburg Address (2:38)
12. The West (0:58)
13. Big Foot (3:02)
14. Like A Young Colt (0:38)
15. Mister Garfield (3:54)
16. A Proud Land (0:25)
17. The Big Battle (3:05)
18. On Wheels And Wings (0:31)
19. Come Take A Trip In My Airship (1:06)
20. Reaching For The Stars (0:42)
21. These Are My People (2:39)
02. King Of Love (2:44)
03. Dialogue (1:39)
04. Jingle Bells (1:43)
05. Dialogue (1:14)
06. That Christmasy Feeling (2:16)
07. Dialogue (0:22)
08. My Merry Christmas Song (2:43)
09. Dialogue (0:18)
10. Merry Christmas Mary (1:59)
11. Dialogue (1:54)
12. Christmas Time's A-Comin' (2:17)
13. Dialogue (0:37)
14. Christmas WIth You (2:08)
15. Dialogue (0:25)
16. Christmas As I knew It (2:51)
17. Dialouge (1:04)
18. When You're Twenty-One (2:00)
19. Dialouge (0:19)
20. An Old Fashioned Tree (1:39)
21. Dialouge (0:57)
22. Silent Night (2:02)
02. Kentucky Straight (2:10)
03. The Loving Gift (With June Carter Cash) (2:17)
04. The Good Earth (3:17)
05. Best Friend (3:19)
06. Oney (3:09)
07. The Ballad Of Annie Palmer (3:09)
08. Too Little, Too Late (2:31)
09. If I Had A Hammer (With June Carter Cash) (2:36)
10. Country Trash (2:29)
11. Welcome Back Jesus (2:45)
02. Jacob Green (3:06)
03. Me And Bobby McGee (3:08)
04. The Prisoner's Song (2:24)
05. The Invertebraes (2:28)
06. Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine (3:08)
07. City Jail (3:55)
08. Life Of A Prisoner (2:49)
09. Looking Back In Anger (2:14)
10. Nobody Cared (2:06)
11. Help Me Make It Through The Nigh (3:08)
12. I Saw A Man (3:01)
02. Introduction (1:17)
03. Gospel Road (Part 1) (1:32)
04. Jesus' Early Years (0:45)
05. Gospel Road (Part 2) (0:44)
06. John The Baptist (1:10)
07. Baptism Of Jesus (1:39)
08. Wilderness Temptation (0:42)
09. Follow Me, Jesus (1:10)
10. Gospel Road (Part 3) (0:51)
11. Jesus Announces His Divinity (1:17)
12. Jesus' Opposition Is Established (0:52)
13. Jesus' First Miracle (1:07)
14. He Turned The Water Into Wine (Part 1) (0:23)
15. State Of The Nation (1:10)
16. I See Men As Trees Walking (2:46)
17. Jesus Was A Carpenter (Part 1) (1:15)
18. Choosing Of Twelve Disciples (2:59)
19. Jesus' Teachings (0:28)
20. Parable Of The Good Shepherd (0:23)
21. The Two Greatest Commandments (0:51)
22. Greater Love Hath No Man (0:17)
23. John The Baptist's Imprisonment And Death (1:22)
24. Jesus Cleanses Temple (0:23)
25. Jesus Upbraids Scribes And Pharises (0:46)
26. Jesus In The Temple (0:46)
27. Come Unto Me (0:32)
28. The Adulterous Woman (1:24)
29. Help (Part 1) (0:52)
30. Jesus And Nicodemus (0:25)
31. Help (Part 2) (1:46)
32. Sermon On The Mount (1:20)
33. Blessed Are (1:19)
34. The Lord's Prayer, Amen Chorus (1:40)
35. Introducing Mary Magdalene (1:08)
36. Mary Magdelene Speaks (1:33)
37. Follow Me (2:26)
38. Magdalene Speaks Again (1:43)
02. He Turned The Water Into Wine (Part 2) (0:31)
03. He Turned The Water Into Wine (Part 3) (0:22)
04. Feeding The Multitude (0:55)
05. He Turned The Water Into Wine (Part 4) (0:29)
06. More Jesus Teaching (0:27)
07. The Living Water And The Bread Of Life (0:59)
08. Gospel Road (Part 4) (0:41)
09. Jesus And Children (1:08)
10. Children (2:41)
11. Four Months To Live (0:45)
12. Help (Part 3) (1:53)
13. Help (Part 4) (1:31)
14. Raising Of Lazarus (0:23)
15. Jesus' Second Coming (2:21)
16. Jesus' Entry Into Jerusalem (0:42)
17. Burden Of Freedom (3:48)
18. Jesus Wept (0:39)
19. Burden Of Freedom (Chorus) (0:34)
20. Jesus Cleanses Temple Again (0:38)
21. Feast Of The Passover (1:07)
22. Lord, Is It I? (0:36)
23. The Last Supper (1:58)
24. John 14: 1-3 (0:34)
25. And Now He's Alone (0:38)
26. Agony In Gethsemane (0:42)
27. Jesus Before Caliaphas, Pilate, And Herod (0:59)
28. Burden Of Freedom (3:51)
29. Crucifixion (1:54)
30. Jesus' Last Words (1:48)
31. Jesus' Death (1:25)
32. Earthquake And Darkness (0:22)
33. He Is Risen (0:12)
34. Mary Magdalene Returns To Galilee (0:16)
35. Jesus Appears To Disciples (1:22)
36. The Great Comission (2:28)
37. Ascension, Amen Chorus (0:33)
38. Jesus Was A Carpenter (Part 2) (3:11)
02. Saturday Night In Hickman County (2:31)
03. Allegheny (3:32)
04. Life has It's Little Ups And Downs (2:34)
05. Matthew 24 (Is Knocking At The Door) (2:40)
06. The CIty Of New Orleans (3:44)
07. Tony (3:28)
08. The Pine Tree (2:57)
09. We're For Love (2:03)
10. Godshine (2:11)
02. Don't Go Near The Water (2:52)
03. All I Do Is Drive (2:11)
04. Southern Comfort (2:10)
05. King Of The Hill (2:45)
06. Pie In The Sky (2:27)
07. Lonesome To The Bone (2:42)
08. While I've Got It On My Mind (2:20)
09. Good Morning Friend (2:05)
10. I'm A Worried Man (2:10)
11. Please Don't Let Me Out (2:43)
12. What On Earth Will You Do (For Heaven's Sake) (2:08)
02. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (2:49)
03. Broken Freedom Song (3:02)
04. I Do Believe (2:31)
05. Ole Slewfoot (2:18)
06. Keep On The Sunny Side (2:17)
07. Father And Daughter (Father And Son) (3:02)
08. Crystal Chandeliers And Burgundy (2:25)
09. Friendly Gates (2:20)
10. Billy & Rex & Oral & Bob (2:27)
11. Jesus (2:20)
12. Lay Back With My Woman (2:23)
02. One And One Makes Two (2:24)
03. I Got A Boy (And His Name Is John) (2:55)
04. Little Magic Glasses (2:22)
05. Miss Tara (2:08)
06. Dinosaur Song (1:29)
07. Tiger Whitehead (3:14)
08. Call Of The Wild (2:55)
09. Little Green Fountain (1:51)
10. Old Shep (2:25)
11. The Timber Man (2:46)
02. Hard Times Comin' (2:41)
03. The Lady Came From Baltimore (2:46)
04. Lonesome To The Bone (2:35)
05. The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down (3:29)
06. Clean Your Own Tables (3:39)
07. Jesus Was Our Saviour (Cotton Was Our King) (2:50)
08. Reason To Believe (2:10)
09. Cocaine Carolina (With David Allen Coe) (2:41)
10. Smokey Factory Blues (3:21)
02. What Have You Got Planned Tonight, Diana (4:03)
03. Look At Them Beans (3:00)
04. No Charge (3:16)
05. I Hardly Ever Sing Beer Drinking Songs (2:41)
06. Down The Road I Go (2:27)
07. I Never Met A Man Like You Before (3:05)
08. All Around Cowboy (2:48)
09. Gone (3:44)
10. Down At Drippin' Springs (2:16)
02. Rock Of Ages (2:22)
03. The Old Rugged Cross (2:50)
04. Softly And Tenderly (2:51)
05. In The Sweet By And By (2:50)
06. Just As I Am (3:13)
07. Farther Along (3:09)
08. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder (2:08)
09. Amazing Grace (2:30)
10. At The Cross (2:53)
11. Have Thine Own Way, Lord (2:52)
02. One Piece At A Time (4:05)
03. In A Young Girl's Mind (3:12)
04. Mountain Lady (2:46)
05. Michigan City Howdy Do (2:30)
06. Sold Out Of Flagpoles (2:49)
07. Committed To Parkview (3:19)
08. Daughter Of A Railroad Man (3:14)
09. Love Has Lost Again (2:29)
10. Go On Blues (2:23)
02. Dialogue #1 (0:38)
03. Doin' My Time (2:33)
04. Dialogue #2 (0:20)
05. I Still Miss Someone (2:55)
06. Dialogue #3 (0:44)
07. Another Man Done Gone (1:11)
08. I Got Stripes (2:08)
09. Dialogue #4 June Intro (0:57)
10. Church In The Wildwood (0:43)
11. Wildwood / Lonesome Valley (3:02)
12. Dialogue #5 (1:19)
13. Strawberry Cake (3:07)
14. Dialogue #6 (0:43)
15. Rock Island Line (3:25)
16. Navajo (3:01)
17. Dialogue #7 (1:09)
18. Destination Victoria Station (2:48)
19. The Fourth Man (2:35)
02. The Last Gunfighter Ballad (2:50)
03. Far Side Banks Of Jordan (2:44)
04. Ridin' On The Cotton Belt (3:29)
05. Give It Away (2:59)
06. You're So Close To Me (2:57)
07. City Jail (3:12)
08. Cindy, I Love You (2:07)
09. Ballad Of Barbara (3:50)
10. That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine (2:48)
02. Dialogue #1 (2:34)
03. If It Wasn't For The Wabash River (2:06)
04. Dialogue #2 (2:24)
05. Lady (2:49)
06. Dialogue #3 (2:28)
07. After The Ball (2:51)
08. Dialogue #4 (2:03)
09. No Earthly Good (2:46)
10. Dialogue #5 (1:52)
11. A Wednesday Car (2:13)
12. Dialogue #6 (0:54)
13. My Cowboy's Last Ride (2:31)
14. Dialogue #7 (2:47)
15. Calilou (3:22)
16. Dialogue #8 (1:23)
02. Lately (2:01)
03. I Wish I Was Crazy Again (2:47)
04. Who's Gene Autry? (3:53)
05. Hurt So Bad (2:37)
06. I Don't Think I Could Take You Back Again (2:51)
07. Abner Brown (3:40)
08. After Taxes (3:04)
09. There Ain't No Good Chain Gang (3:19)
10. That's The Way It Is (3:02)
11. I'm Alirght Now (2:40)
02. I Will Rock And Roll With You (2:55)
03. The Diplomat (4:04)
04. No Expectations (3:15)
05. It Comes And Goes (2:35)
06. It'll Be Her (3:10)
07. The Gambler (3:44)
08. Cajun Born (3:20)
09. You And Me (With June Carter) (2:45)
10. A Song For The Life (3:10)
02. Lonesome To The Bone (2:40)
03. Bull Rider (3:13)
04. I'll Say It's True (2:49)
05. Ghost Riders In The Sky (3:50)
06. Cocaine Blues (3:21)
07. Muddy Waters (3:29)
08. West Canterbury Subdivision Blues (3:49)
09. Lately I Been Leanin' Toward The Blues (2:37)
10. I'm Gonna Sit On The Porch And Pick On My Old Guitar (3:00)
02. Gospel Boogie A Wonderful Time Up There (2:25)
03. Over The Next Hill (With Anita Carter) (2:32)
04. He's Alive (With June Carter Cash) (4:11)
05. I'Ve Got Jesus In My Soul (2:34)
06. When He Comes (With Rosanne Cash) (3:25)
07. I Was There When It Happened With Marshall Grant (2:10)
08. I'M A Newborn Man (1:39)
09. There Are Strange Things Happening Every Day (3:25)
10. Children, Go Where I Send Thee (2:39)
11. I'M Just An Old Chunk Of Coal (2:10)
12. Lay Me Down In Dixie (With Cindy Cash) (1:57)
13. Don't Take Everybody For Your Friend (2:22)
14. You'Ll Get Yours And I'll Get Mine W R Crowell (2:22)
15. Oh Come, Angel Band (2:42)
16. This Train Is Bound For Glory With June Carter Cash (3:24)
17. I'M Gonna Try To Be That Way With Jan Howard (2:47)
18. What On Earth Will You Do For Heaven's Sake (2:06)
19. That's Enough (2:38)
20. The Greatest Cowboy Of Them All With Jack Routh (3:51)
02. Without Love (2:29)
03. W-O-M-A-N (3:24)
04. The Cowboy Who Started The Fight (3:50)
05. The Twentieth Century Is Almost Almost Over (3:42)
06. Rockabilly Blues (Texas 1955) (3:21)
07. The Last Time (3:18)
08. She's A Go-er (2:30)
09. It Ain't Nothing New Babe (4:04)
10. One Way Rider (3:18)
02. Away In A Manger (3:08)
03. O Little Town Of Bethlehem (3:30)
04. Silent Night, Holy Night (3:04)
05. It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (3:42)
06. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (2:33)
07. I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (2:23)
08. O Come All Ye Faithful (2:59)
09. Little Gray Donkey (4:45)
10. The Christmas Guest (4:38)
02. Mobile Bay (3:01)
03. The Hard Way (2:59)
04. A Ceiling, Four Walls And A Floor (2:41)
05. Hey, Hey Train (2:42)
06. The Reverend Mr. Black (3:11)
07. The Blues Keep Gettin' Bluer (2:34)
08. Chattanooga City Limit Sign (3:55)
09. Thanks To You (2:28)
10. The Greatest Love Affair (3:31)
02. John's (3:43)
03. Fairweather Friends (3:00)
04. Paradise (3:14)
05. We Must Believe In Magic (2:34)
06. Only Love (3:22)
07. Good Ol' American Guest (3:27)
08. I'll Cross Over Jordan Someday (2:54)
09. Sing A Song (2:56)
10. Ain't Gonna Hobo Nomore (3:18)
02. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (2:45)
03. Goin' Down The Road Feelin' Bad (3:00)
04. That Silver Haired Daddy Of Mine (3:13)
05. Matchbox (3:16)
06. I'll Fly Away (4:05)
07. Whole Lot Of Shakin' Going On (4:12)
08. Rockin' My Life Away (2:47)
09. Blue Suede Shoes (3:07)
10. Peace In The Valley (4:52)
11. Will The Circle Be Unbroken (4:37)
12. I Saw The Light (3:25)
02. That's The Truth (2:48)
03. God Bless Robert E. Lee (3:45)
04. New Cut Road (3:37)
05. Johnny 99 (3:37)
06. Ballad Of The Ark (2:57)
07. Joshua Gone Barbados (5:13)
08. Girl From The Canyon (2:42)
09. Brand New Dance (3:27)
10. I'm Ragged But I'm Right (2:36)
02. Folsom Prison Blues (3:01)
03. I Still Miss Someone (3:01)
04. Big River (2:58)
05. Cowboy Medley (4:54)
06. Sunday Morning Coming Down (4:01)
07. I Walk The Line (2:24)
08. Last Date (3:39)
09. City Of New Orleans (3:52)
10. Railroad Medley (10:16)
11. Wabash Cannonball (2:41)
12. Wabash Cannonball (Conclusion) (1:24)
02. Don't Take Anyone For Your Friend (2:22)
03. Jesus In My Soul (2:34)
04. Newborn Man (1:39)
05. I'll Have A New Life (2:16)
06. This Train (3:24)
07. I Was There When It Happened (2:10)
08. Lay Me Down In Dixie (1:57)
09. Strange Things Happen Every Day (3:25)
10. You'll Get Yours And I'll Get Mine (2:22)
11. Didn't It Rain (2:28)
12. He Touched Me (2:31)
13. Way Worn Traveler (1:51)
14. I'm Gonna Try To Be That Way (2:47)
02. Here Comes That Rainbow Again (2:52)
03. They're All The Same (3:12)
04. Easy Street (2:49)
05. Have You Ever Seen The Rain (2:33)
06. You Beat All I Ever Saw (2:57)
07. Unwed Fathers (3:16)
08. Love Me Like You Used To (2:46)
09. Casey's Last Ride (3:21)
10. Borderline (A Musical Whodunit) (2:59)
02. The Last Cowboy Song (3:12)
03. Jim, I Wore A Tie Today (3:22)
04. Big River (2:49)
05. Committed To Parkview (3:21)
06. Desperados Waiting For A Train (4:38)
07. Deportee (Plane Wreck At Los Gatos) (3:48)
08. Welfare Line (2:38)
09. Against The Wind (3:51)
10. The Twentieth Century Is Almost Over (3:35)
02. Another Wide River To Cross (2:23)
03. God Ain't No Stained Glass Window (3:05)
04. Over There (3:09)
05. The Old Rugged Cross Duet With Jessi Colter (2:22)
06. My Children Walk In Truth (2:35)
07. You'Re Driftin' Away (1:35)
08. Belshazzar (2:47)
09. Half A Mile A Day (3:14)
10. One Of These Days I'M Gonna Sit Down And Talk To Paul (2:58)
02. I'm Never Gonna Roam Again (2:56)
03. American By Birth (2:33)
04. Field Of Diamonds (2:38)
05. Heroes (4:17)
06. Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (3:03)
07. Love Is The Way (2:32)
08. The Ballad Of Forty Dollars (3:11)
09. I'll Always Love You (In My Own Crazy Way) (3:59)
10. One Too Many Mornings (2:39)
02. The Ballad Of Barbara (4:20)
03. I'd Rather Have You (3:11)
04. Let Him Roll (4:28)
05. The Night Hank Williams Came (3:23)
06. Sixteen Tons (2:45)
07. Letters From Home (3:20)
08. W. Lee O'Daniel (2:46)
09. Heavy Metal (2:50)
10. My Ship Will Sail (2:45)
02. Tennessee Flat Top Box (3:13)
03. Long Black Veil (3:18)
04. A Thing Called Love (2:35)
05. I Still Miss Someone (2:37)
06. Cry, Cry, Cry (2:25)
07. Blue Train (2:01)
08. Sunday Morning Coming Down (4:11)
09. Five Feet High and Rising (1:49)
10. Peace in the Valley (2:57)
11. Don't Take Your Guns to Town (3:00)
12. Home of the Blues (3:17)
13. Guess Things Happen That Way (1:47)
14. I Got Stripes (2:03)
15. I Walk the Line (2:37)
16. Ring of Fire (2:47)
17. Ballad of Ira Hayes (2:56)
18. The Ways of a Woman in Love (2:40)
19. Folsom Prison Blues (2:49)
20. Suppertime (2:22)
02. Cats In The Cradle (3:18)
03. Farmer's Almanac (3:49)
04. Don't Go Near The Water (2:29)
05. Family Bible (2:49)
06. Harley (4:10)
07. I Love You, I Love You (2:54)
08. Hidden Shame (4:00)
09. Monteagle Mountain (3:12)
10. That's One You Owe Me (3:04)
02. Born And Raised In Black And White (4:04)
03. Two Stories Wide (2:37)
04. We're All In Your Corner (3:06)
05. American Remains (4:08)
06. Anthem '84 (2:47)
07. Angels Love Bad Men (3:35)
08. Songs That Make A Difference (2:57)
09. Living Legend (4:01)
10. Texas (2:42)
02. You're My Baby (1:49)
03. My Treasure (2:32)
04. My Treasure (1:17)
05. Hey Porter (2:13)
06. Folsom Prison Blues (2:33)
07. Wide Open Road (2:37)
08. My Two Timin' Woman (1:59)
09. Hey Porter (2:15)
10. Cry, Cry, Cry (2:30)
11. Wide Open Road (2:31)
12. Port Of Lonely Hearts (2:37)
13. I Couldn't Keep From Crying (2:03)
14. New Mexico (2:07)
15. Folsom Prison Blues (2:51)
16. So Doggone Lonesome (2:39)
17. Mean Eyed Cat (2:31)
18. Luther Played The Boogie (2:06)
19. Rock And Roll Ruby (1:44)
20. I Walk The Line (2:41)
21. Brakeman's Blues (Incomplete) (1:35)
22. Get Rhythm (2:17)
23. Get Rhythm (2:16)
24. I Walk The Line (2:47)
25. Train Of Love (2:38)
26. Train Of Love (2:25)
27. There You Go (2:19)
28. One More Ride (Incomplete) (1:28)
29. I Love You Because (2:28)
30. Goodbye Little Darling (2:16)
31. I Love You Because (2:29)
32. Straight A's In Love (2:14)
02. Next In Line (2:48)
03. Don't Make Me Go (2:34)
04. Don't Make Me Go (2:31)
05. Home Of The Blues (Undubbed Master) (3:01)
06. Give My Love To Rose (3:12)
07. Give My Love To Rose (2:46)
08. Home Of The Blues (Overdubbed Master) (2:41)
09. Rock Island Line (2:11)
10. Wreck Of The Old 97 (1:48)
11. Belshazzar (2:28)
12. Country Boy (1:50)
13. Leave That Junk Alone (1:30)
14. Doin' My Time (2:39)
15. Country Boy (1:54)
16. If The Good Lord's Willing (1:45)
17. I Heard That Lonesome Whistle Blow (2:26)
18. I Was There When It Happened (2:18)
19. Remember Me (2:49)
20. I Was There When It Happened (2:17)
21. Big River (3:47)
22. Ballad Of A Teenage Queen (2:18)
23. Goodnight Irene (2:41)
24. Big River (2:33)
25. Ballad Of A Teenage Queen (2:14)
26. Come In Stranger (2:03)
27. Guess Things Happen That Way (Undubbed Master) (1:58)
28. Come In Stranger (1:43)
29. Oh, Lonesome Me (Undubbed Master) (2:31)
30. Guess Things Happen That Way (1:52)
31. Oh, Lonesome Me (Overdubbed Master) (2:29)
02. Born To Lose (Undubbed Master) (2:11)
03. You're The Nearest Thing To Heaven (2:42)
04. Born To Lose (2:11)
05. Sugartime (Overdubbed Master) (1:51)
06. Story Of A Broken Heart (2:33)
07. Always Alone (Incomplete) (1:35)
08. Always Alone (1:52)
09. false starts to Story Of A Broken Heart (2:29)
10. Story Of A Broken Heart (2:13)
11. You Tell Me (1:55)
12. Life Goes On (2:01)
13. You Win Again (2:18)
14. I Could Never Be Ashamed Of You (2:15)
15. Hey Good Lookin' (1:43)
16. I Can't Help It (1:46)
17. Cold Cold Heart (2:21)
18. Blue Train (2:04)
19. Katy Too (1:58)
20. The Ways Of A Woman In Love (2:28)
21. Fools Hall Of Fame (2:26)
22. The Ways Of A Woman In Love (2:17)
23. Thanks A Lot (2:39)
24. It's Just About Time (2:08)
25. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (2:11)
26. I Just Thought You'd Like To Know (2:26)
27. It's Just About Time (2:11)
28. I Forgot To Remember To Forget (1:55)
29. Down The Street To 301 (2:04)
02. I'll Remember You (2:07)
03. Drink To Me (1:55)
04. What Do I Care (2:08)
05. Suppertime (2:52)
06. It Was Jesus (2:05)
07. Oh What A Dream (2:04)
08. I'll Remember You (2:06)
09. Mama's Baby (2:23)
10. The Troubador (2:17)
11. Run Softly Blue River (2:16)
12. All Over Again (2:15)
13. That's All Over (1:54)
14. Frankie's Man Johnnie (2:18)
15. Fool's Hall Of Fame (2:10)
16. Walkin' The Blues (2:15)
17. Lead Me Father (2:28)
18. That's Enough (2:43)
19. I Still Miss Someome (2:37)
20. One More Ride (2:02)
21. Pickin' Time (2:00)
22. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (3:04)
23. I'd Rather Die Young (2:32)
24. The Shepherd Of My Heart (2:12)
25. Cold Shoulder (1:53)
02. Lead Me Father (Takes 5-9) (4:33)
03. Lead Me Father (Takes 10-12) (3:47)
04. Lead Me Father (Master-Take 13) (2:36)
05. That's Enough (Takes 1-3) (2:28)
06. That's Enough (Master-Take 4) (2:53)
07. I Still Miss Someone (Takes 1-5) (4:08)
08. I Still Miss Someone (Takes 6-8) (4:20)
09. I Still Miss Someone (Takes 9-10) (2:55)
10. I Still Miss Someone (Master-Take 11) (2:44)
11. One More Ride (Takes 1-4) (3:09)
12. One More Ride (Takes 5-11) (2:16)
13. One More Ride (Master-Take 12) (2:07)
14. Pickin' Time (Takes 1-2) (2:33)
15. Pickin' Time (Master-Take 3) (2:04)
16. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (Takes 1-4) (2:46)
17. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (Takes 5-6) (3:31)
18. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (Master) (3:05)
19. I'd Rather Die Young (Take 1 And Master-Take 2) (2:54)
20. The Shepherd Of My Heart (Takes 1-2 And Master-Take 3) (3:32)
21. Cold Shoulder (Master-Take 1) (2:15)
02. I'm an Easy Rider (2:37)
03. The Mystery of Life (3:11)
04. Hey Porter (2:21)
05. Beans for Breakfast (3:18)
06. Goin' by the Book (3:19)
07. Wanted Man (2:53)
08. I'll Go Somewhere and Sing My (3:11)
09. The Hobo Song (3:33)
10. Angel and the Badman (2:23)
02. Silent Night (3:26)
03. White Christmas (3:49)
04. Figgy Puddin' (2:56)
05. Here Was A Man (2:44)
06. Joy To The World (2:44)
07. O Little Town Of Bethlehem (3:43)
08. What Child Is This (4:16)
09. The First Noel (4:13)
10. Away In A Manger (3:27)
11. O Chirstmas Tree (3:33)
12. O Come All Ye Faithful (3:18)
13. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (3:59)
14. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (3:52)
15. I'll Be Home For Christmas (4:18)
02. I Saw A Man (2:33)
03. Lead Me Gently Home (2:01)
04. Are All The Children In (1:55)
05. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (1:54)
06. I Call Him (1:48)
07. The Old Account (2:26)
08. He'll Be A Friend (1:59)
09. These Things Shall Pass (2:17)
10. It Could Be You (Instead Of Him) (1:51)
11. God Will (2:21)
12. The Great Speckled Bird (2:10)
13. Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord) (3:57)
14. He'll Understand And Say Well Done (2:27)
15. God Has My Fortune Laid Away (2:50)
16. When I've Learned (2:48)
17. I Got Shoes (2:02)
18. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning (2:14)
19. If We Never Meet Again (3:02)
20. When I Take My Vacation In Heaven (2:26)
21. When He Reached Down His Hand For Me (2:05)
22. Taller Than Trees (1:52)
23. I Won't Have To Cross Jordan Alone (3:00)
24. My God Is Real (Yes, God Is Real) (2:01)
25. These Hands (2:14)
26. Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord) (3:53)
27. (There'll Be) Peace In The Valley (2:50)
28. A Day In The Grand Canyon (10:50)
02. I Got Stripes (2:06)
03. You Dreamer You (1:51)
04. Five Feet High And Rising (1:48)
05. The Rebel Johnny Yuma (1:54)
06. Lorena (1:56)
07. Second Honeymoon (1:56)
08. The Fable Of Willie Brown (1:56)
09. Smiling Bill Mccall (2:07)
10. Johnny Yuma Theme (1:58)
11. The Man On The Hill (2:10)
12. Hank And Joe And Me (2:13)
13. The Caretaker (2:06)
14. Clementine (2:31)
15. I Want To Go Home (1:58)
16. Old Apache Squaw (1:43)
17. Don't Step On Mother's Roses (2:34)
18. My Grandfather's Clock (2:44)
19. I Couldn't Keep From Crying (2:10)
20. My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You (2:24)
21. I Will Miss You When You Go (2:02)
22. I Feel Better All Over (2:04)
23. Bandana (2:15)
24. Wabash Blues (2:18)
25. Viel Zu Spät (2:10)
26. Wo Ist Zuhause, Mama (1:52)
27. Heartbeat (Vocal: Roy Rivers) (2:17)
28. Hello Again (Vocal: Roy Rivers) (2:10)
02. Girl In Saskatoon (2:16)
03. Locomotive Man (2:51)
04. The Losing Kind (2:00)
05. Five Minutes To Live (1) (2:05)
06. Forty Shades Of Green (1) (2:55)
07. The Big Battle (4:06)
08. Blues For Two (2:11)
09. Jeri And Nina's Melody (2:45)
10. Why Do You Punish Me? (2:19)
11. Just One More (2:15)
12. Seasons Of My Heart (2:32)
13. Honky Tonk Girl (2:01)
14. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (2:41)
15. Time Changes Everything (1:51)
16. I'd Just Be Fool Enough (2:07)
17. Transfusion Blues (2:35)
18. Lovin' Locomotive Man (2:30)
19. Five Minutes To Live (2) (2:14)
20. Mr. Lonesome (2:18)
21. Forty Shades Of Green (2) (2:55)
22. Folsom Prison Blues (2:55)
23. I Walk The Line (2:46)
24. Hey Porter (2:00)
25. I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know About Her (2:29)
26. There's A Mother Always Waiting (3:01)
27. The Losing Kind (1:51)
02. Sing It Pretty Sue (2:00)
03. A Little At A Time (1:57)
04. So Do I (2:13)
05. Bonanza (2:21)
06. Shamrock Doesn't Grow In California (2:36)
07. I'm Free From The Chain Gang Now (1:52)
08. Delia's Gone (3:03)
09. Lost In The Desert (2:02)
10. Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know About Her (2:27)
11. Accidentally On Purpose (1:56)
12. You Remembered Me (2:05)
13. In The Jailhouse Now (2:24)
14. Let Me Down Easy (1:47)
15. In Them Old Cottonfields Back Home (2:35)
16. You Won't Have Far To Go (1:51)
17. Delia's Gone (2:02)
18. No One Will Ever Know (2:26)
19. The Danger Zone (2:12)
20. I'll Be All Smiles Tonight (2:50)
21. Send A Picture Of Mother (2:53)
22. Hardin' Wouldn't Run (3:34)
23. Sing It Pretty Sue (2:01)
24. Blue Bandana (1:44)
25. So Doggone Lonesome (2:10)
26. Johnny Reb (2:56)
27. Delia's Gone (2:20)
28. I Walk The Line (Take 6, Slow) (2:49)
29. I Walk The Line (Take 9, Fast) (2:53)
02. The Girl In Saskatoon (Take 2) (1:44)
03. The Girl In Saskatoon (Take 3) (2:47)
04. The Girl In Saskatoon (Take 4+5) (0:29)
05. The Girl In Saskatoon (Take 6) (2:42)
06. The Girl In Saskatoon (Take 7+8) (2:05)
07. The Girl In Saskatoon (Take 9 - Master) (2:37)
08. An Empty Chair (Take 1) (2:16)
09. An Empty Chair (Take 2, 3+4) (1:01)
10. An Empty Chair (Take 5 - Master) (2:17)
11. Relief Is Just A Swallow Away (Take 1) (2:11)
12. Relief Is Just A Swallow Away (Take 2) (2:06)
13. Relief Is Just A Swallow Away (Take 3+4) (0:28)
14. Relief Is Just A Swallow Away (Take 5) (2:08)
15. Relief Is Just A Swallow Away (Take 6 - Master) (1:59)
16. Riot In Cell Block #9 (Take 1) (3:21)
17. Riot In Cell Block #9 (Take 2) (0:20)
18. Riot In Cell Block #9 (Take 3) (2:47)
19. It's A Sin To Tell A Lie (Take 1) (4:14)
20. Rocket '69 (Take 1) (0:59)
21. Rocket '69 (Take 2) (1:58)
22. Blueberry Hill (Take 1) (3:33)
02. Return To The Promised Land (3:02)
03. Opening Dialogue (0:15)
04. When I Look (2:57)
05. Dialogue (0:56)
06. Over The Next Hill (2:09)
07. Dialogue (1:18)
08. Old Rugged Cross (0:58)
09. Intelude (0:35)
10. I Won't Have To Cross Jordan Alone (0:47)
11. Dialogue (0:54)
12. Far Side Banks Of Jordan (2:10)
13. Monologue (1:04)
14. Let Me Help You Carry This Height (2:24)
15. Dialogue (1:32)
16. Lord Take These Hands (3:44)
17. Monologue (1:43)
18. Fishers Of Men (0:48)
19. Dialogue (1:48)
20. What On Earth Will You Do For Heaven Sake (2:03)
21. The Old Gospel Ship (2:25)
22. Interlude & Closing Monologue (1:11)
23. God's Hands (2:26)
24. Return To The Promised Land (Instr) (1:50)
25. Hello Out Of There (2:43)
26. Like A Soldier Getting Over The War (2:47)
27. Poor Valley Girl (2:14)
28. Soldier Boy (2:49)
02. Let The Train Blow The Whistle (2:16)
03. The Beast In Me (2:45)
04. Drive On (2:24)
05. Why Me Lord (2:20)
06. Thirteen (2:30)
07. Oh, Bury Me Not (Introduction A Cowboy's Prayer) (3:53)
08. Bird On A Wire (4:03)
09. Tennessee Stud (2:54)
10. Down There By The Train (5:49)
11. Redemption (3:04)
12. Like A Soldier (2:50)
13. The Man Who Couldn't Cry (5:01)
02. Live Forever (2:47)
03. Everyone Gets Crazy (2:55)
04. It Is What It Is (3:40)
05. I Do Believe (3:23)
06. The End Of Understanding (2:42)
07. True Love Travels A Gravel Ro (3:22)
08. Death And Hell (2:49)
09. Waiting For A Long Time (4:20)
10. Here Comes That Rainbow Again (2:49)
11. The Road Goes On Forever (4:42)
12. If He Came Back Again (3:34)
13. Live Forever (Acoustic Demo) (2:12)
14. I Ain't Song (Acoustic Demo) (1:57)
15. Pick Up the Tempo (Acoustic Demo) (2:18)
16. Closer to the Bone (Acoustic Demo) (2:14)
17. Back in the Saddle Again (Acoustic Demo) (0:51)
02. The Matador (2:48)
03. I'd Still Be There (2:36)
04. Still In Town (2:40)
05. El Matador (Spanish) (2:48)
06. Fuego D'Amor (Anillo De Fuego) (Spanish) (2:37)
07. My Old Faded Rose (2:55)
08. It Ain't Me Babe (3:06)
09. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (2:58)
10. One Too Many Mornings (2:40)
11. Mama, You've Been On My Mind (3:05)
12. The Long Black Veil (3:10)
13. The Wall (2:14)
14. Orange Blossom Special (3:10)
15. Troublesome Waters (3:52)
16. I Walk The Line (2:37)
17. Folsom Prison Blues (2:35)
18. Wreck Of The Old '97 (2:48)
19. Hey Porter (2:23)
20. Big River (2:22)
21. All God's Children Ain't Free (2:15)
22. Amen (2:08)
23. When It's Springtime In Alaska (2:39)
24. You Wild Colorado (1:48)
25. Danny Boy (4:13)
26. I Still Miss Someone (3:10)
27. Give My Love To Rose (2:24)
28. Goodbye Little Darlin' Goodbye (2:26)
02. Bottom Of The Mountain (2:29)
03. Understand Your Man (2:44)
04. Time And Time Again (2:12)
05. I Still Miss Someone (2:36)
06. Hardin Wouldn't Run (3:52)
07. Mama, You've Been On My Mind (2:56)
08. A Certain Kinda Hurtin' (2:03)
09. My Old Faded Rose (2:46)
10. How Did You Get Away From Me (& June Carter) (2:03)
11. Bad News (2:57)
12. A Cup Of Coffee (4:45)
13. Dirty Old Egg Sucking Hound (2:27)
14. The One On The Right Is On The Left (2:50)
15. Concerning Your New Song (3:31)
16. The Bug That Tried To Crawl Around The World (2:58)
17. Flushed From The Bathroom Of Your Heart (2:05)
18. Dirty Old Egg Sucking Dog (2:09)
19. Take Me Home (2:43)
20. The Song Of The Coward (3:36)
21. Please Don't Play Red River Valley (2:57)
22. Foolish Questions (3:12)
23. The Singing Star's Queen (3:00)
24. Austin Prison (2:10)
25. Boa Constrictor (1:47)
26. Everybody Loves A Nut (2:08)
27. The Sound Of Laughter (2:40)
28. Joe Bean (3:08)
02. The Baby Is Mine (2:33)
03. Happy To Be With You (3:14)
04. For Lovin' Me (2:40)
05. Wabash Cannonball (2:42)
06. Guess Things Happen That Way (1:56)
07. Happiness Is You (2:59)
08. Ancient History (2:23)
09. You Comb Her Hair (2:42)
10. A Wound Time Can't Erase (2:37)
11. Is This My Destiny (2:32)
12. Jackson (2:48)
13. Pack Up Your Sorrows (2:30)
14. The Long Legged Guitar Pickin' Man (2:36)
15. Fast Boat To Sidney (2:31)
16. You'll Be Alright (1:49)
17. I Got A Woman (3:19)
18. What'd I Say (1995) (2:45)
19. Oh, What A Good Thing We Had (2:47)
20. No, No, No (1:52)
21. Shanty Town (2:23)
22. What'd I Say (1967) (2:51)
23. Still In Town (2:36)
24. The Matador (Original) (2:47)
25. Wer Kennt Den Weg (Without Vocal Chorus, 1995) (2:35)
26. In Virginia (Without Vocal Chorus, 1995) (2:11)
27. Kleine Rosmarie (Without Vocal Chorus, 1995) (1:57)
28. Besser So, Jenny-Jo (Without Vocal Chorus, 1995) (2:28)
29. Wer Kennt Den Weg (1965) (2:04)
30. In Virginia (1965) (2:07)
31. Kleine Rosmarie (1965) (1:57)
32. Besser So, Jenny-Jo (1965) (2:12)
02. The Sons Of Katie Elder (2:35)
03. Put The Sugar To Bed (2:24)
04. Red Velvet (2:48)
05. Rosanna's Going Wild (2:00)
06. The Wind Changes (2:49)
07. On The Line (2:22)
08. Roll Call (2:27)
09. You Beat All I Ever Saw (2:10)
10. I Tremble For You (2:15)
11. Cattle Call (Instrumental) (2:07)
12. Bill's Theme (Instrumental) (2:11)
13. Outside Looking In (Instrumental) (2:33)
14. Spanish Harlem (Instrumental) (2:41)
15. The Folk Singer (3:06)
16. Southwind (3:15)
17. The Devil To Pay (3:28)
18. 'Cause I Love You (2:34)
19. See Ruby Fall (2:52)
20. Route #1, Box 144 (2:29)
21. Sing A Traveling Song (3:09)
22. If I Were A Carpenter (3:02)
23. To Beat The Devil (4:24)
24. Blistered (2:24)
25. Wrinkled, Crinkled, Wadded Dollar Bill (2:33)
26. I've Got A Thing About Trains (2:50)
27. Six White Horses (2:45)
28. Jesus Was A Carpenter (3:58)
29. The Man In Black (2:53)
02. I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (2:31)
03. Blue Christmas (2:23)
04. The Gifts They Gave (3:33)
05. Here Was A Man (2:43)
06. Christmas As I Knew It (3:40)
07. Silent Night (3:29)
08. The Little Drummer Boy (2:37)
09. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear (3:00)
10. Ringing The Bells For Jim (2:46)
11. We Are The Shepherds (3:13)
12. Who Kept The Sheep (1:56)
13. The Ballad Of The Harp Weaver (4:23)
14. Wildwood Flower (2:14)
15. Engine 143 (3:34)
16. Keep On The Sunnyside (2:28)
17. Single Girl, Married Girl (2:21)
18. The Banks Of The Ohio (4:05)
19. My Clinch Mountain Home (2:56)
20. Lonesome Valley (2:04)
21. Worried Man Blues (2:39)
22. The Wabash Cannonball (2:32)
23. Brown Hearted Lover (2:24)
24. Brown Eyes (3:26)
25. I'm Working On A Building (2:41)
26. Gathering Flowers From The Hillside (2:35)
27. When THe Roses Bloom Again (2:38)
02. Folsom Prison Blues (1:53)
03. I Still Miss Someone (1:39)
04. Rock Island Line (3:56)
05. Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (2:45)
06. I Walk The Line (2:32)
07. Ballad Of Ira Hayes (3:25)
08. Keep On The Sunny Side (1:42)
02. Sea Of Heartbreak (2:43)
03. Rusty Cage (2:50)
04. The One Rose (That's Left In My Heart) (2:26)
05. Country Boy (2:31)
06. Memories Are Made Of This (2:19)
07. Spiritual (5:07)
08. The Kneeling Drunkard's Plea (2:32)
09. Southern Accents (4:42)
10. Mean Eyed Cat (2:32)
11. Meet Me in Heaven (3:23)
12. I Never Picked Cotton (2:39)
13. Unchained (2:44)
14. I've Been Everywhere (3:17)
02. Worried Man (3:48)
03. Family Bible (3:20)
04. Don't Take Your Guns To Town (4:42)
05. Funny How Time Slips Away (3:58)
06. Flesh And Blood (2:42)
07. Crazy (2:23)
08. Unchained (2:43)
09. Night Life (3:43)
10. Drive On (2:23)
11. Me And Paul (3:11)
12. I Still Miss Someone (3:13)
13. Always On My Mind (4:05)
14. Folsom Prison Blues (3:40)
15. On the Road Again (1:31)
02. Solitary Man (2:25)
03. That Lucky Old Sun (Just Rolls Around Heaven All Day) (2:36)
04. One (3:52)
05. Nobody (3:14)
06. I See A Darkness (3:43)
07. The Mercy Seat (4:36)
08. Would You Lay With Me (In A Field Of Stone) (2:42)
09. Field of Diamonds (3:07)
10. Before My Time (2:55)
11. Country Trash (1:48)
12. Mary Of The Wild Moor (2:32)
13. I'm Leavin' Now (3:07)
14. Wayfaring Stranger (3:21)
02. Hurt (3:39)
03. Give My Love To Rose (3:29)
04. Bridge Over Troubled Waters (3:55)
05. I Hung My Head (3:54)
06. First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (3:53)
07. Personal Jesus (3:20)
08. In My Life (2:58)
09. Sam Hall (2:40)
10. Danny Boy (3:20)
11. Desperado (3:14)
12. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (3:04)
13. Tear Stained Letter (3:42)
14. Streets of Laredo (3:33)
15. We'll Meet Again (2:59)
16. Track 16 (3:56)
02. I Still Miss Someone (1:37)
03. Five Feet High And Rising (2:52)
04. Pickin' Time (2:36)
05. Remember The Alamo (2:48)
06. Last Night I Had The Strangest Dream (3:04)
07. Wreck Of The Old 97 (2:14)
08. The Long Black Veil (3:01)
09. The Wall (1:08)
10. Send A Picture Of Mother (2:36)
11. Folsom Prison Blues (3:35)
12. Blue Suede Shoes (Carl Perkins) (3:13)
13. Flowers On The Wall (The Statler Brothers) (2:32)
14. Wildwood Flower (The Carter Family) (3:45)
15. Worried Man Blues (The Carter Family) (1:40)
16. A Boy Named Sue (4:25)
17. Cocaine Blues (1:57)
18. Jesus Was A Carpenter (3:40)
19. The Ballad Of Ira Hayes (3:11)
20. As Long As The Grass Shall Grow (3:50)
21. Sing A Travellin' Song (3:33)
22. He Turned The Water Into Wine (3:16)
23. Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord) (The Carter Family) (4:16)
24. Daddy Sang Bass (Johnny Cash) (2:15)
25. Finale Medley (Tommy Cash, The Carter Family, The Statler Brothers & Carl Perkins) (4:45)
26. Suppertime (2:55)
02. The Christmas Guest (4:39)
03. Hark the Herald Angels Sing (2:31)
04. The Gifts They Gave (3:31)
05. Blue Christmas (2:25)
06. Merry Christmas Mary (1:58)
07. Oh Come All Ye Faithful (2:57)
08. Away in A Manger (3:07)
09. The Christmas Spirit (5:02)
10. Joy to the World (2:07)
11. Silent Night (2:04)
12. Christmas as I Knew it (Previo) (3:03)
02. I Shall Not Be Moved (2:41)
03. I Am a Pilgrim (2:28)
04. Do Lord (2:13)
05. When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder (1:36)
06. If We Never Meet Again This Side Of Heaven (2:31)
07. I'll Fly Away (1:54)
08. Where the Soul of Man Never Dies (2:16)
09. Let The Lower Lights Be Burning (3:14)
10. When He Reached Down (2:14)
11. In the Sweet by and by (2:25)
12. Im Bound for the Promise Land (2:16)
13. In the Garden (3:18)
14. Softly and Tenderly (3:18)
15. Just as I Am (2:38)
02. God's Gonna Cut You Down (2:39)
03. Like the 309 (4:35)
04. If You Could Read My Mind (4:30)
05. Further On Up the Road (3:25)
06. On the Evening Train (4:18)
07. I Came To Believe (3:45)
08. Love's Been Good To Me (3:19)
09. A Legend In My Own time (2:37)
10. Rose of My Heart (3:18)
11. Four Strong Winds (4:35)
12. I'm Free From the Chain Gang Now (2:56)
02. Life's Railway To Heaven (3:36)
03. A Wonderful Time Up There (2:06)
04. Folsom Prison Blues (2:50)
05. Sunday Morning Coming Down (4:42)
06. What Is Man (3:48)
07. Forty Shades Of Green (2:40)
08. Come Along And Ride This Train (1:24)
09. Five Feet High And Rising (2:15)
10. Pickin' Time (1:59)
11. A Beautiful Day (1:20)
12. Hey Porter (2:34)
13. Ragged Old Flag (3:48)
14. Tennessee Flat Top Box (3:12)
15. Ghost Riders In The Sky (3:36)
16. Jackson (3:33)
17. The Wreck Of Old '97 (2:34)
18. I Walk The Line (3:49)
02. Redemption Day (4:22)
03. For the Good Times (3:22)
04. I Corinthians 15:55 (3:37)
05. Can't Help But Wonder Where I'm Bound (3:26)
06. Satisfied Mind (2:48)
07. I Don't Hurt Anymore (2:45)
08. Cool Water (2:53)
09. Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream (3:14)
10. Aloha Oe (3:00)
02. I Heard That Lonesome Whistle (2:25)
03. Country Boy (1:53)
04. If The Good Lord's Willing (1:43)
05. Cry, Cry, Cry (2:28)
06. Remember Me (I'm The One Who Loves You) (2:00)
07. So Doggone Lonesome (2:38)
08. I Was There When It Happened (2:17)
09. I Walk The Line (2:46)
10. The Wreck Of The Old 97 (1:47)
11. Folsom Prison Blues (2:50)
12. Doin' My TIme (2:39)
13. Luther Played The Boogie (2:04)
14. Hey Porter (2:14)
15. Get Rhythm (2:15)
16. Ballad Of A Teenage Queen (2:12)
17. There You Go (2:19)
18. Come In Stranger (1:42)
19. Don't Make Me Go (2:30)
20. Train Of Love (2:24)
21. Guess Things Happen That Way (1:51)
22. The Ways Of A Woman In Love (2:16)
23. Next In Line (2:48)
24. You're The Nearest Thing To Heaven (2:40)
25. I Can't Help It (1:45)
26. Home Of The Blues (2:40)
27. BIg River (2:32)
28. Give Me Love To Rose (2:44)
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