Vmware Converter Could Not Start Service Vstor2 Programs
Aug 31, 2008 - This step is necessary, otherwise the virtual disk will not be able to boot. Vstor2-p2v30-B4BDB4BD0000 WINDOWS $Reconfig$ ControlSet001-Services-symmpi-reg. Key ControlSet001 Services symmpi from C: Program Files VMware VMware Converter data 52-S_SYMMPI. The VMware Converter Standalone Server service fails to start; Starting the VMware Converter Standalone Server service fails with the error: Cannot start the VMware Converter Standalone Server service. [02804 info 'Locale'] Locale subsystem initialized from C: Program Files (x86) VMware VMware vCenter Converter Standalone locale with. Apr 23, 2014 - You can install VMware Converter Standalone 5.5.1 on the following platforms. Could not install service Vstor2 MntApi 1.0 Driver (shared). If, while running a P2V conversion job, you start creating another conversion. In the main application window of Converter Standalone, right-click the failed job.
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